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Posté le 31 mars 2009 dans évènements, le passage -> lien permanent
The Passage Film Festival

Première diffusion du programme du passage film festival en clôture de la journée d’étude sur l’art américain à  l’Institut National d’Histoire de L’Art…

Première diffusion du film le passage…

le passage film festival 2009 le passage film festival 2009

The Passage Film Festival 2009

Codirected by Jeff Stanley and Violaine Boutet de Monvel at INHA, Paris, FRANCE, June 24, 2009 (6pm)

« Collaborative exquisite corpse feature length video project »

Exhibition in the form of a feature length video project premiering as part of a seminar on American Art in Paris, France.

The Passage Film Festival 2009 is an international collaboration between filmmakers and video artists from the United States, France and Canada.

Because we wanted the Passage Film Festival 2009 to be an original collaborative manifestation, Jeff Stanley and I worked from the start with the help of Jonathan Regier (American poet residing in Paris) on a global (not dictatorial) narrative structure divided into three acts to host the videos: I The Falling Asleep, II The Visions, III The Waking Up. Each act contains five different quotes, which point toward a certain atmosphere or state of spirit. Each artist invited to the festival has been given one of these quotes, without knowing the other quotes and participants, and has been asked to create a new video inspired by it. Therefore, all the commissioned videos will premiere with the Passage Film Festival 2009, during which all the quotes and participants will be revealed for the first time. The first screening of the Passage Film Festival 2009 will take place on June 24th at the National Institute of History of Art (INHA) in Paris, as the closing event of a colloquium about American Art (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University). A second screening will occur later in the year in Austin, Texas.
- Violaine Boutet de Monvel

More about the Passage Film Festival 2009:
>>> V.B.M.’S BLOG

image modulée par Johana vaude…


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