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Posté le 7 octobre 1999 dans -> lien permanent
La Fabrique 1999 – 2001

origine :

In 1999, fabric | ch created La Fabrique, a 3d virtual museum built for « the 2nd World » of Canal+ (Le 2ème Monde in French), a predecessor of 2nd Life or a forerunner of other similar persistent virtual worlds on the Internet, but in a digital and realistic copy of Paris. We designed La Fabrique to question this very trivial and functional approach of 3d MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games) and to develop a new type of museum, in a medium that would allow open visibility on the Internet as well as an experimental immersive experience. During three years, it hosted several exhibitions, which speculative topics were relevant in our work and the one of others around the end of 20th century.

A retrospective exhibit, Memories of a Distant Future, is organized at Siggraph 2010 in Los Angeles by one of the digital artists who took part to the first release of La Fabrique: Steve Guynup. For this event, a video of the 3d space and screenshots of the works have been released to give a hint to current visitors. But it just gives a linear view into what is non-linear…

La Fabrique 10 - Recombinant Interiors, 2000 La Fabrique 10 - Recombinant Interiors, 2000

New web plugins (like BS Contact) allow to view the 3d content from that time, with minor errors. We’ve kept the content as it was nearly ten years ago, we’ve just had to restore it a little bit. It is therefore a digital art archaeology, but a radical one, that you’re about to dive into, once again …


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