Arts plastiques, numérique, films et pensées... LE BLOG EST EN TRAVAUX ! ;)
Les histoires se répartissent dans 1003 notes... dans des milliers d'images... dans quelques mouvements...
Posté le 13 décembre 1998 dans évènements -> lien permanent
Infozone, Paris


Actions Réseaux Numériques
acteurs entretiens expositions presse projets
sur l’invitation de Jens Gebhart
infozone a temporary workspace in Paris

The poject infozone shows up in a space in the center of Paris, as an open mixed-media-studio has creating, collecting, selecting, linking, resuming and distributing of information and contents as a goal. Article are predominantly social, political and cultural questions. In infozone should be the possibility for the comment, interview, discussion and for the presentation of the different users.

infozone is ambient space and file, pin wall and global newspaper, represented locally by the workspace and world-wide by Internet. From this diversity the project can be started, planned however nevertheless improvised as laboratory, is connecting old and new media, which presents itself in a dynamic system openly and closed, privately and publicly.

infozone mixes old and new media, a crossover of different disciplines, which in its structure, spontaneous re-organizations are to develop. This is to be operated by discourses, presentations, seminars, events, and many guests in this infozone.

It is a place of critical thinking and productive conflict, a social space, in the consent is manufactured and disagreement in course set. A place at the distribution, accommodation and production compress themselves and extend. In the social context the relationship between senders and recipients, let the things develop.

Meanwhile will the traditional mass media such as radio, television and magazines to technical metaphors around information  » on the network « . infozone however energize a direct public and a co-operation with producers, groups and other forums and makes available the space for a easy and direct way to produce alive contents.

The distribution outside of the workspace infozone is achieved over Internet and printed media. A publication planned afterwards will document the flow of information and contents during the three months to made it further accessible.

Invited by Jens Gebhart, ARN : Sylvie Bourguet / Grégoire Cliquet / Pierre Cuvelier / Frédéric De La Hogue / Karen Dermineur / Jean-Philippe Halgand / Yann Le Guennec / Eric Maillet / Antoine Moreau / Jacques Perconte / Clément Thomas.

En réponse à  l’invitation de Jens Gebhart : séance de travail Lieudit : diffusion = production : regrouper en un même lieu et dans un temps donné les impressions subjectives des acteurs de Lieudit autour du référent commun et sous forme de notes dactylographiées. Retravailler physiquement l’ensemble : découpages, redispositions spatiales. Fixer les résultats temporaires sous forme d’images (photo, vidéo). Collecte d’informations.

infozone, paris, 1998infozone-paris%2098-99-1221555305970infozone

20 rue des Ecouffes, paris
Texte de Yann Le Guennec


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          * accès réservé ou sur invitation
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